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For Pre-surgical Planning & Tools For Communication.

The Diagnosis and Pre-surgical Planning

Communication plays an important role during the process prior to surgery. From interpreting medical images (MRI/CT) to visualizing the scanned contents in three-dimension, from pre-surgical planning to co-surgeon/team-surgeon discussions, and from making informed patient consent to surgical tools preparation - all these steps require unambiguous and accurate communication to ensure the three-dimensional information is properly communicated before the surgery.



The Solution


Avoid complications, potential surprises and future corrective procedures by 3D printing patient-specific medical models. With unparalleled precision in the 3D printed medical models, reflect patient-specific pathologies accurately to complement your pre-surgical assessments and planning.


Complementing Your Pursuit to Save Lives

Improve Pre-surgical Assessments & Precision of Surgical Simulators

Using patient-specific CT/MRI data, Creatz3D Medical can help to create realistic 3D medical models that reflect patients' pathologies. 



Enhance Multi-disciplinary Surgical Team Alignment

Patient-specific medical models can be used to plan complex surgical cases that require the involvement of multiple medical disciplines.

Increase Patient Satisfaction with 3D Printed Bio-model

Convey patient diagnoses and medical approaches more effectively with 3D-printed medical models of patient’s own anatomy, and gain true informed patient consent and confidence over the most recommended treatments for optimized patient outcome.

At Creatz3D Medical, we value collaborations with medical practitioners to create patient-centric, and tailored medical solutions with 3D printing technologies. We provide a hassle-free experience of converting anatomical data from DICOM file to 3D Printed Bio-models.


For more information, or specific consultations with Creatz3D Medical, click to get in touch with us today! 


3D Printing Case-study Feature 

Creatz3D Medical collaborated with National University Hospital (NUH) to recreate a 3D volume rendering of a patient’s fractured pelvis, which was subsequently 3D printed using Creatz3D’s in-house Connex3 500.


The adoption of 3D printing technology provided a platform for the surgeons to carry out optimal assessments of the fracture, and better reviews of the planned surgical procedures.


Surgeons were also able to drill and saw the 3D Printed Bio-model into various fracture fragments, allowing manipulation of the fracture, trial reduction, as well as provisional fixation and pre-contouring of the implants to be used. This resulted in reduced surgical time, and enhanced patient outcome.


3D printed medical models were also used during consultations with the patient and the family, allowing better conveyance of surgical procedures to boost patient understanding and morale with respect to their condition. 


Conclusively, the collaboration provided the platform for finding alternative methods towards approaching patients with sacral fractures, while ensuring that the focus of procedures are on improving patient outcome.

Improvepatient outcome today
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